Our Staff

Aurora Quality Care recruitment procedures ensure that we employ ideally suited candidates, personally interviewed by one of our trained manager and thoroughly vetted to determine their skills and experience.

They are trained in Medication, Manual Handling, Moving &Handling, Emergency First Aid, Infection Control, Food Hygiene, Health & Safety, Safeguarding, MCA. In addition, All our care workers will have either already attained or be in the process of attaining qualification in Health and Social Care.

We constantly ensure staff are developed to their maximum potential which ensure they can undertake their role in a safe and proper manner with minimal risks and provide good quality care to all service users.

If you fund your care from your own resources or receive assistance in the form of a Direct Payment, Individual Budget (IB) or Self Directed Support (SDS) we can help you. Also, we can provide you with information regarding companies that deal with matters relating to funding your care. Please call us on 020-80900007 for advice.